понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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So from the wednesday that i fasted, all the way through the next wednesday i had a very consistent, verrry painful stomach ache.� it passed finally, but it seems to be back today.� i have a feeling itapos;s stress.
usually i carry stress in my shoulders (and butt... Lots of tension there� iapos;m told everyone does...).� the back of my head and neck are also pretty common for me.� but my stomach?� i canapos;t get used to this one.
and you know how they say that your brain doesnapos;t remember pain (or however they say it)... Mine does.� definitely does.� this is the exact pain i had.� and i hate it

i guess i could get to work on the work thatapos;s stress ing my out... Perhaps it would pass more quickly?� weapos;ll see heh.
oi, midterm season is in the air...

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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When you

Enter this

Little room

Consider yourself

One of the special

Members of a group who

Enjoy working and learning.

that's for school.

i miss my friend.
i miss my friend who waited for me.
i miss my friend who waited for me time and again patiently when i'm late.
i miss my friend who waited for me time and again patiently when i'm late but this time round, enough is enough.

that's for the mellow moods.

it happens. It happened.
and nobody's listening.
oh well. I got Him, The Best Listener.

and that's the icing of it all. What more can i ask for.

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Woke up feeling resentful at God today, so i skipped church, horrible christian that i am :(

economic crunch really makes it so hard to live at home sometimes.i donapos;t like being poor for these reasons

i do my own weekapos;s worth of laundry and ironing every sunday
my hands are constantly dry from aforesaid laundry and helping out in dishwashing
going out with my mother, everything is added up in my motherapos;s mental calculator with the same conclusion: its too expensive.s
we havenapos;t had a family dinner out in 4 months
i cannot afford.alot of things.i buy myself nice lunches and dinners because its buying time with friends, but other than that, i can hardly afford anything else.
my parents cannot afford alot of things.

and then thinking about all these complaints, this morning i flipped the newspaper and i read about this grandmother who earns $500 a month and spends $100 on tuition for her grandchildren because apos;they need to studyapos; with a picture of 2 little kids doing their homework on the floor because they are too poor to even own the work table that i type this post on now and i took everything i wrote earlier back.



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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s October 19, 2008, 6:05 am in my pc time. Well, it seems to have been a habit of mine to write in this blog once (and only once) a year (check out the date my previous post).

The reason Iapos;m writing now? Well, I donapos;t know either.

Wait. I remember now. I am so worked up by the state of my laptop that I stayed up all night, literally. I didnapos;t even had a wink. You see, itapos;s been months (which are already catching up to a year), since I ever got that laptop that I have been undergoing a series of frustrations over my its, should I say, deteriorating state. Yes, it IS deteriorating. Need I say more?

First it was the hard disk. It totally shut down and was unrecoverable. Thank God my laptop was still under warranty that I didnapos;t have to waste a cent. And for free, I had it replaced and had my laptop back to its useful be-ing. However, even before that, the technician found another problem I am totally unaware of--the laptopapos;s battery. It was damaged and needed to be replaced, they said. And again, I didnapos;t have to throw a coin. I could not be more grateful to them, first, for being honest to have found such a problem (since I didnapos;t notice the problem and Iapos;m not paying anything, some other people might actually not tell me) and secondly, for not costing me even a peso in getting my laptop fixed.

But what I thought to be a lovely fairytale ended not of a happy ending but of a never-ending series of hell and "WTF??"s. Only God knows if the service men truly replaced it. So foolish of me to not to be able to decipher if the battery currently installed in my laptop is not actually its old damaged battery.

(to be continued..hopefully)

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carpet shag

I�hate calling people and yet I�called you and why? To talk. And yet you canapos;t even give me that. I�feel like Iapos;m chasing you but Iapos;m not. I�just need answers but you wonapos;t even let me have that.

Iapos;m debating calling you again, but thatapos;s really pushing it for me.

I�know I�have your attention because youapos;re ignoring me but I want to talk to you... Just once and Iapos;ll leave you alone if thatapos;s what you want. Iapos;m not asking much, just that you give my heart a clean break.

Why are you making this so hard?

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bill clinton dubai

The youngest of my two nieces who are living with me is a sweet, largely easy-going child (although she does have a helluva sassy attitude). For the past two days, she has been upset and disturbed by the apparent abduction of a young boy from his home in North Las Vegas.

Last night, she came to my husband (for the second night in a row) because she thought she heard some strange noises outside our front door. So Tony gets his Mag-lite flashlight (the big one that looks like a damn nightstick), goes downstairs, and flings open the front door. Just as I was struggling to turn the key.

He scared the ever-living SHIT out of me My neighbors obviously will never help me if Iapos;m in real trouble because I let out the loudest, blood curdling scream, and no cops subsequently arrived.
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I read a simple observation this week that continues to haunt me: Walk into a first grade classroom and ask the kids to raise their hand if they can draw. All of the kids will raise their hand. Ask if they can sing. All of the kids raise their hand. Ask if they can dance. All of the kids raise their hand. Ask them if they can read and only some will raise their hand. Now do the same exercise with a ninth grade classroom. The results are opposite- the only time they all raise their hands is when asked about reading.

Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Where does our extreme capacity for imagination go?

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us... Eph 3:20.

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